"Five teenagers from Los Alamitos High School came promptly to my home on Saturday morning. They were a little nervous, I could tell, but they showed up with boxes and bags, ladders and rakes and brooms ready to go," said 72-year-old Joseph C.
"I pointed them to my two orange trees in the backyard and told them to be careful and ask for help if necessary.
They went right to work and seemed to know what they were doing. They didn't talk much and just started picking as soon as they go all their equipment in place. They continued to pick and had bundles of energy.
There is no way I could have done what they did in the 2 hours they were at my home. They put everything in place, swept up a bit, and drove off in their grandfather's car to the local food shelter.
I am very impressed with Sydney, Sofia, Ashley, Izzy and Jasmine."
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